[DCMEE-1844] IHEDocumentList.xsl not accesible in dcm4chee-web3 Created: 05/Jun/12  Updated: 28/Nov/18  Resolved: 28/Nov/18

Status: Closed
Project: dcm4chee
Components: Web
Affects versions: dcm4chee-2.17.1
Fix versions: None

Type: Bug Priority: Trivial
Reporter: Jacques Fauquex Assignee: Gunter Zeilinger
Resolution: Won't Fix Votes: 0
Labels: None
Remaining Estimate: Not Specified
Time Spent: Not Specified
Original estimate: Not Specified

Testing Assignee: Peter Heiles


IHEDocumentList.xsl used to be found into dcm4chee-rid.war. Since dcm4chee-web3 became the default GUI, IHEDocumentList.xsl was moved to server/default/conf/dcm4chee-rid/
But unfortunately, there is no way to indicate this path while configuring service=dcm4chee-rid. This is due to the fact that the path one can write there is automatically prefixed by http://host:port/rid/

Workaround: copy back IHEDocumentList.xsl and common.xsl into dcm4chee-rid.war, in a sub folder called xsl, so that the path correspond to the default relative path, which wasn't ever modified (xsl/IHEDocumentList.xsl)

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