[DCMEE-2106] Support of different value/data types in content_item table Created: 02/Jul/15  Updated: 28/Nov/18  Resolved: 28/Nov/18

Status: Closed
Project: dcm4chee
Components: None
Affects versions: dcm4chee-2.18.1
Fix versions: None

Type: Improvement Priority: Minor
Reporter: Bernhard Ableitinger Assignee: Gunter Zeilinger
Resolution: Won't Fix Votes: 0
Labels: None
Remaining Estimate: Not Specified
Time Spent: Not Specified
Original estimate: Not Specified

Testing Assignee: Sabine Kolics
Tracking Status:
Risk Analysis - Todo, Test Spec - ToReview, Test State - Not tested
Test State: NOT tested
Risk Analysis: Todo
Test Spec: ToReview
Classification: Functional Requirement


The content_item table provides a means to index and query the content of SR objects. However, it just supports text values and DICOM code values. The content_item table shall be extended in order to support other data types, such as Integer, Float or even Date.

Comment by Bernhard Ableitinger [ 02/Jul/15 ]

Other value types, such as Integer, Floats or even Dates may be stored as text, but are not natively supported. As consequence, dedicated SQL queries are either impossible or rather tricky, e.g. an SQL query for an integer value range such as value between [10,20].

The request originates from the teaching-file web3 component, which is based on SQL queries of the SR content. A concrete use-case and feature request in teaching-files is the ability to query for patient age ranges, e.g. patient age between [0,2] years.

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